Dr. Shahar Lev-Ari

Dr. Shahar Lev-Ari


Research work

Dr. Lev-Ari was trained in cellular biology, and expertise in biology and health promotion. He leads the Health Promotion Unit, Integrated Cancer Prevention Center, Tel-Aviv Medical Center and is a member and immediate former Chair of the Department of Health Promotion, School of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine at Tel Aviv University. Dr. Lev-Ari received the Outstanding Scientist Award of the Israel Society for Complementary Medicine under the auspices of the Israeli Medical Association. His research on well-being and longevity has been published on leading peer-review journals, including JCM and JAMA Network Open.

Dr. Lev-Ari’s research is concerned with assessing and strengthening protective factors for health promotion and good mental health and enabling access to skills, resources and supportive environments that will keep individuals and populations physically and mentally healthy. Dr. Lev-Ari is currently a visiting scientist at Prof. Michael Snyder’s Lab, Department of Genetics, Stanford University and is working on developing innovative precision medicine tools for health promotion and longevity.

Areas of interest & scientific knowledge


  • Health Promotion and Longevity
Selected Publications
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