Ancient DNA laboratory

Ancient DNA Lab


Dr. Viviane Slon

We conduct genetic studies on ancient populations. Work in the laboratory is currently focused on:

  • Ancient genomics of the Levant: At the crossroad between Africa, Asia and Europe, the Levant is of particular interest for the study of ancient human populations - as it has served as a major corridor for migrations throughout human evolution, and is one of the earliest centres of agriculture in the world. We study prehistoric and proto-historic Levantine populations, by recovering DNA of ancient individuals from skeletal remains and from sediments deposited at archaeological sites. To do so, we implement and pursue the development of methodology suited to face the challenges of DNA preservation over time in warm climates.
  • Ancient DNA from sediments: The ability to recover ancient DNA from sediment provides the possibility to study the genomes of ancient humans even in the absence of their physical remains, and to study the environment in which they lived. We strive to develop laboratory and analytical techniques to improve the usability of sediments as a source of genetic data.
  • On the hunt for new sites: We participate in archaeological surveys, with the goal of identifying new prehistoric sites.

Visit our lab website >>


Affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

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