Biohistory & Evolutionary Medicine Laboratory


Dr. Hila May

Our biohistory and evolutionary medicine laboratory is focusing on several fields of interest:

  • Evolutionary medicine: The impact of the "trade of" mechanism on present human health. Many parts of our body had to accommodate themselves in order to facilitate the development of our big brain and erect posture.
  • Biohistory: Much of our history is recorded in our bones. Advanced methodologies allow us to reconstruct important events on the individual level as well as on the population level. This includes daily lifestyles, health, nutrition, inter or intra-personal violence, labor intensity, demographical structure, etc.
  • Ancient DNA: The reconstruction past population structure and migration. The Levant witnessed dramatic population movements and replacements during the last 15,000 years, which shaped the region history.

Visit our lab website >>


Affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine and the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History

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